SplineMeshComponent Warning AttachTo non-static object


I’m trying to draw a spline with a metallic material between two points. I have the points and am able to draw the spline with the desired material between them. The issue is that I get a warning:
“Warning: AttachTo: ‘/Game/Maps/LVL_SimulationZone_01.LVL_SimulationZone_01:PersistentLevel.BP_FulcrumLine_6.DefaultSceneRoot’ is not static , cannot attach ‘/Game/Maps/LVL_SimulationZone_01.LVL_SimulationZone_01:PersistentLevel.BP_FulcrumLine_6.NODE_AddSplineMeshComponent-0’ which is static to it. Aborting.”

If I set my defaultsceneroot from my BP to static, the spline mesh doesn’t show. If I set my SplineMeshComponent to Moveable, the spline mesh doesn’t show. The only way to get the desired behaviour is leaving it as is and ignoring the warning.

My question is as follows, how can I deal with this error? Or if the error is impossible to workaround, is it bad to leave my code as is and ignore the warning?


This worked for me:

  • Add a Scene component.
  • Place the spline beneath it
  • Set the Scene mobility to Static

Courtesy of this thread: Cannot attach SplineMeshComponents to Scene, even though they're both movable - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums