Hello all! I have been banging my head for the last day or so trying to figure out why I can’t generate spline meshes along a spline in runtime. I believe I have the logic, however the meshes will not generate unless I move all the points by some arbitrary number first. I have 2 spline points in the world at startup. I am trying to add spline points on the Z axis, and draw spline meshes along them.
This is the expected behavior, accomplished by calling “Add New Spline Point”, then “Move Points”, then “Draw Meshes”, but obviously this moves everything each time the meshes are drawn, which I do not want. I only discovered this worked by Ejecting from editor, moving a spline point manually, re-possessing pawn, and then generating meshes. It is almost as if the engine forgets the spline point is there until it is moved?
And this is the behavior without running “Move Points”