Spline Mesh - straight corner

Hello. Is there any way to make spline mesh with a straight corner? I tried with linear spline, zero or very small tangents, and nothing works. Mesh is always bended in some way. The only way that solve the problem is to get rid of subdivisions, but in case of cables, I need those to make the cable hang.

And here is the effect I would like to achieve. I achieved this using mesh without subdivisions, but like I said - I need those subdivisions to make the cable hang.

Can’t be sure, but I think you need to change the “Type” property of the spline points to “Linear”. Just click on the spline points in the editor and you should see something like the image below. Use the “Type” drop-down to select the spline point type.
This is in UE 5, but it should be approximately the same for you: