Spline mesh not showing in packaged project

I am running my packaged project in 4.7.6 and I’m having an issue with a spline mesh not showing in game.

The meshes aren’t showing, I use the spline points for the AI to follow and they still follow that so the spline is there in some capacity.

This is similar to the blueprint spline tutorial by epic but I implemented it within C++

Has anyone had a similar issue?


Hey Matty1209,

Would you be able to test and confirm this issue still occurs in our most recent binary release of the engine (4.9.2)?

If so, would you mind providing some simple steps, screenshots, or any other relevant pieces of information to help us reproduce the issue on our end?

Thank you,

I have similar problem. I created C++ version of the Epic’s Blueprint Splines Track project. The generated track is visible in PIE, Simulate and Standalone Game modes (with collisions also working).

However, after packaging to Win64, the track is no longer there.

I created a simple test project with launcher ver. UE 4.15.3. Open Level1 to see the track. Package to Win64 to see that the track is not there.

[Test project][3]

Someone else created a [video][4] with the same issue. Link to the related question: [Missing spline mesh component in packaged project][5]

Here’s another related question: [Spline mesh components generated in “onConstruction” function are not showing up in packaged build.][6]

So I just tested a new blueprint based project in 4.15.3, and was able to the spline blueprints when packaged to Win (64-bit).

I noticed yours is a code-based project, and you created your own custom class if I am not mistaken? I packaged your project and indeed was unable to see the spline, but this might be expected since it is your own custom class.

What I did to get the actor to show up, is once you have your final spline shape, you can convert it to a static mesh by using the Merge Actors tool in the right-click menu with the splines selected. Would there be a way for you to reproduce this in a new blank project without any custom classes?

Thank you,


I have the same problem!

Had the same problem.

The solution was to add UPROPERTY() to an array declaration in a header file (the array stores all generated meshes):

    TArray<USplineMeshComponent*> MeshComponents;

hello add the mentioned but I still can’t see it I’m in unreal 5