Spline mesh has no collision


my road spline mesh has no collision even though the mesh has collision and collision is setup in the spline itself

im on 4.8.3

any help would be appreciated

Is the collision set to the correct channels to interact with your player object?

I fixed it, I had collision set everywhere but in the “Add spline mesh component” node, so I did that and it worked

thanks anyway


In spline blueprint, add node Set Collision Enabled [or look for your node if you already have it], and in it change ‘New type’ to Query only

He already fixed it… 3 years ago :stuck_out_tongue: Also, setting it to Query only makes it not collide with actors that have Simulate Physics enabled.

People find old threads in the internet, looking for the solution to the same problem. I dont undestand you “he posted this 3 years ago…” people.

As proof, 2 more years later this helped me :stuck_out_tongue:

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And 2 more years later this helped me :smiley:

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And after 2 more years It didn’t help me :smiley:
Solution for me: Click on the add spline mesh component node in Blueprint, set the collision presets as you wish.

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