Spline Expert Needed!

I’m trying to do something like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJiTHlypTZQ&t=4s

but in end I got this error:
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property SplineRef”. Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: SetWorldLocation
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None”. Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: SetWorldLocation

when i start play my character get the closest location, but my camera in the middle of the level can not controller it.
in 1:40 I don’t remove the default setting from 3rd Person Template.

Spline *Expert *Reporting in! Sadly, this has nothing to do with splines so I’m gonna tap out. JK, you forgot to set a reference to point to a value:

thanks a lot, yes its working:
I should do it in world setting / Default / Spline / and choose the BP actor I create
also in character BP / Class Default / Pawn / Auto Possess Player / Player 0

my project ( subsystem advance steam session) ,
the game start from Main Menu Level & widget (Start and Join game option), then the player will respawn to the gameplay level map
so when I click (Play) from (Game Default Map) with 2 windows as a test, first windows/player will click Start/Host, 2nd window/player will click Join.
everything work perfectly.

with spline setting, something I miss or I dont understand,
when I click (Play) from (Game Default Map) with 2 windows as a test, first windows/player will click Start/Host it’s working with 1st player, but 2nd window/player no character just the camera view in the middle of the level can not controller it

I drag the character BP, i’m not using START PLAYER.

anyone please.

fixed … thanks:cool: