Spline Collision?

How can i deform a spline where collision also get deformed just like the spline does?

Splines have no collision. One would add spline mesh components and adjust their tangents between spline points. Those components can be collided against. It will be wonky at best, though.

Yep meant spline mesh it self along the spline, but using 1 spline mesh and deform it doesn’t seem to give the correct collision along the mesh?

Any tips on how to fix it?

Can you show the wireframe of the mesh you’re using for the SMC?

Of course :slight_smile: This is just a simple road with segments

You can enable collision for spline meshes, but it will add a collision shape between the spline points without deformation along the spline, so it will not correspond to the actual spline mesh.

Thats the problem, the collision does appear but just doesn’t get deformed along the mesh just like the spline mesh does

I was hoping for a way to fix that, perhaps someone know?

This is odd, this worked for me in the past:

The Set Start and End calls this, too. :expressionless: I am having problems getting it to work in 4.27 though.

Tried that hours ago “Update Mesh” and that doesn’t seem to work :confused:
Would that be a bug?

Hm, this is more serious as of 4.24 and is a Won't Fix:

Not sure if i undestand sorry, is it has been a bug since 4.24? Any idea on when it would be fixed? Seems a bid wierd that it has been there so early

Not sure if i undestand sorry, is it has been a bug since 4.24?

It might have been longer. It completely stopped working in a packed product in 4.24 it seems. Which is nasty.

I definitely had spline mesh collision working at some point. It might have been around 4.18 or thereabout. When? I’d say never as far as UE4 is concerned.

Perhaps someone can confirm whether this is a bug in UE5? Or are you using UE5 already?

I tried the latest UE4 and UE5, still doesn’t seem to be working :frowning:

Yeah, it does not seem to matter if it’s Simple or Complex collision:


A quick search for any older thread confirms it working:

I was trying to use splines to create a cuved shape for the char to climb
and of course, they can’t climb it because there is no collision.
I wonder why it still is broken after so long
I guess that I need to use a different method to build these tracks for the char,
glad I’m at the beginning of the proj finding this out.

OK, it does work…


But it’s not visually updated. This is with Complex Collision and no CPU Access. I was half expecting scaling to not work (something I tripped on years ago) but it also works.

Not sure about the packaged, though. Seems to work, too!

The CPU Access may need to be enabled if you want to rebuild the collision run-time. Or may not. Needs testing.

Apologies for the confusion, I was going by the collision preview which simply does not update at all :person_shrugging:

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I have a spline with meshs, short area, and I have block all and complex as simple, and player still falls thlrough ( stepping stones of sort) them to terrain below.

It doesn’t happen with all meshes oddly, is there a fix ?

Had the same problem that it didn’t happen with all meshes. I’ve added Update Mesh node after everything was generated and this make it work.

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