Spline along the object

Hi I am trying to move spline along the object.But ended up by moving object along the spline Can anyone please give me some hints to finish this


If i attach the spline to Setrelativelocationandrotation node something is happening but I’m not understanding
Please help me with some clues

Note: Finally cube will be static spline is movable

move spline along the object

Like this maybe, notice the component to component attachment:


Image from Gyazo

Hi! Basic Ideas are pictured on screenshot.

Hi I am trying to change location and rotation for spline

My scenario is every part of spline should come to front of cube like in Google maps 3d whenever we are travelling all the buildings and road will pass by.

I am trying this with set rotation node but whole spline is going away if i execute that node


I tried this as i kept cube that cube is rotating as per spline but i need to remove cube i want to rotate spline in cube’s farward direction

Sure thank you will try and let you know

Hi I am trying to change location and
rotation for spline

Somehow I missed that you needed rotation for this:

Image from Gyazo

Is this what you’re after?

Hi! This is some basic solution with custom events in Blueprint with spline component.