I’m on preview 4.15.0 p3
It was working on 4.14.3. Now, there’s only a black screen before the game starts.
- I’m packaging for distribution, with both SDK and NDK set to android-19
- Minimum and target SDKs are set to 9 and 19, respectively.
- Package game data inside APK is checked.
- Orientation is set to Sensor Portrait.
- Enable Fullscreen immersive on KitKat devices is also checked.
- Since updating the project, I’ve re-selected the splash images to see if it helps. But it’s still black on the device.
- Also, did Full Rebuild
- Checked inside res/drawable folders and the images are there.
UPDATE (solved up to 4.18)
There’s no bug! Sorry, guys! On the debug log I found it was disabling the launch image because it was set to Daydream/Cardboard. I set it back to Cardboard and it’s working now. It changed by itself on the project update to 4.15. Also it’s weird that it does that, because the GoogleVR plugin is disabled in my project.
UPDATE 2: daydream fix stopped working on 4.19. Now I don’t know how to make the Launch screen work anymore.