I set up some kind of moving spiral platform loop, it’s moving to the same 360 degrees point. Theoretically, it should pick up the character and move it higher for the next 360, etc. but I’m falling every time when it’s refreshing. Some kind of motion blur can be seen every time when loop reaches the end.
I tried to play with every parameter in physics, object preferences, etc. already. Nothing helps, I just fall as soon as loop reaches end. As I understand there is a some kind of lag between initialization state of solid mesh beneath player or something.
Is there any solution for this?
Is I correctly understand what happens. It’s because the character “sticks” to the ground in walking mode. So when your loop starts over and the spiral jumps down, the character is dragged along with it.
You can try manually setting the movement mode to Falling right before the new loop starts. This way the character should stay where he is and continue ascending.
Hey Tuerer, thanks for the answer.
Yes, it “sticks” and move down where the spiral starts. Thats weird that Engine doesn’t have any simple option to solve this like check the ground every frame, half frame or so.
It would be great if someone can help me with this rig.