I have a camera with a spring arm looking at an object. I want to be able to click right and spin the camera 90 degrees around the object every time I click. I have it working but it snaps to 90 degrees. How can I make it so it spins to 90 degrees over 1 or 2 seconds. I have been trying to achieve it with a timeline, but am not having a lot of luck.
From your timeline use a Lerp to slowly go from 0 (current position/rotation) to 1 (target position/rotation) then set your timeline to go from 0 value at 0 timeframe to 1 value at 2 seconds/end timeframe. Alternatively you can use an RInterp To node to accomplish the same thing without the use of a timeline.
I got it set up like you said using the RInterp To. I have the rotation set up correctly, but it is just jumping the 90 degrees, not rotating the 90 degrees smoothly. I can’t seem to figure out what needs to go in Interp Speed. I have a feeling that’s the part I’m still missing.
You may have to play with the interp speed, try some extremes like .02 and then 20 or 50 and .05, the difference in the extremes will tell you which direction will work best. So if the lower interp speed works smoother now you know the area to start moving towards and vice versa.