Sphinx ue4 andriod Pocketsphinx speech recognition build configuration help

Hello i basically have worked on this Sphinx-UE4 plugin and converted and fixed all the bugs to make it work with UE 4.27.2. And andriod . I basically want to make it work with quest 2 which is andriod platform. All the supported libraries have been added and the code complies, also works in debug mode. but when i build it it just wont send the communication to java code and so no speech recognition on andriod. If anyone of you can take up this challenge to make this very old plugin compatible with unreal it would be a lot of help. I am available for any troubleshooting if you have any compiler errors. here is the source GitHub - ssshammi/sphinx-ue4-andriod: Forked from shanecolb / sphinx-ue4