I am creating a simple hit detection system that will detect hits as long as the notify state of my attack animation is running, I was using the “Sphere Trace for Objects” node to be able to visualize the area that the collision will be active in. However, whenever I press the button to play the animation, it draws the spheres, but it changes the camera’s aspect ratio for some reason, and the spheres don’t appear to be in the right spot. My camera is a stationary camera, and none of my code should alter the location and/or aspect ratio of the camera, so I have no clue why this is happening. Furthermore, if I wait until the animation is over and the sphere duration is up, then the camera will reset to normal until I play the animation again. Does anyone know why this is happening?
My first thought is that the 2 are unrelated, since the sphere trace should not under any circumstances affect the camera
Can you try disconnecting just the Sphere Trace node and see if the issue still happens?
On another note, I remember there used to be a known issue where if start and end locations of a sphere trace were identical, the trace would return no hits, and people usually added a very small vector to the end location to make it work.
But if your use case doesn’t need a moving sphere, you could use the cleaner SphereOverlapActors instead
I tried disconnecting the function and the animation runs as intended without any of the weird camera changes that happen when the function runs, so it has to be something with the node, or possibly in the notify state blueprint, but I’m not sure what it could be since none of the nodes that I have should affect the camera. I might try using the SphereOverlapActor like you mentioned, since it sounds like it would still be suitable for what I am trying to accomplish.