Sphere/Box Support for Characters


As you may or may not know this is already a feature on the Trello board and I would like to make a lot of noise for this to get pushed up the list. It’s insanity that this doesn’t work by default it’s very limiting when trying to achieve proper collision.


I have just realized that even using a Sphere or Box collision as an extra collision doesn’t block static or dynamic objects it does however block Physics objects. I have tried many different collision details to get it working and have employed the help of the geniuses in Unreal Slackers slacker community. It seems it can’t be done. The Characters box collision just doesn’t block the character it just ignores and blocks at the capsule component.

This may differ slightly from the Trello entry above as it looks as if they may add support to make the Primary Capsule Component either a sphere or box instead of the added collisions either way it’s not clear what the feature is but I know it will help.

Please can we make some noise to boost this up the priority list. This should work by default.

I appreciate any support. It’s put that aspect of my project on hold.

Just to clarify I code in BP so writing my own MovementComponent will take me a hella long time and probably won’t match that of Epic’s standard MovementComponent.

And in my case the Character is a Static Mesh so cannot use PHaT for this.

I don’t think walking characters will work well as boxes. Boxes snag on things and twist too much. Boxes are OK for wheeled/tracked pawns, but those should not use character controllers.
Can’t you already get a sphere shape by setting the height of the capsule to 0?

The functionality that the Character class holds is far greater than a pawn that doesn’t have a movement component. I am dynamically changing my character at Runtime so the collision varies per object but they do need to Jump and function exactly as the Character class does out the box.

You can create a sphere by setting the radius and the height to the same number. However you cannot increase the length of the sphere without increasing the width. You can only increase radius.

Imagine controlling a ball for a puzzle then for the next start of the puzzle you need to change to a square, then to another shape. The above will solve the issue.

This is a must for my game also, it is very limiting! +1

Aye either


It will mean I can have proper collision for dynamically changing characters meshes.

Hope the status changes in Trello.

Character class as well of Character Movment Component is designed for skeletal mesh pawns that walk, not for balls and squeres, which ball can move physiclly just by adding force and squere requires diffrent movment system all together (assuming it moves side by side).

This argument is null as the feature is already in trello to add the support. I want the movement of my character to be that of a character class with a movement component. The movement works perfectly as expected its just the collision that isn’t working well. I would be happy with a pawn with a movement component as a pawn supports box and sphere collisions.

There is no way for me to achieve what I want without writing my own movement component for the pawn class. Which mine and 145 people who voted for the feature don’t have the skills/time to do.

The issue affects gameplay