For questions relating to the current active challenge please use the tag UnrealChallenge
For submissions, please include the tag SpellarPerformance
**Title: Coexistence
insert link to your video
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content: None
insert a screenshot of your project (in the editor)
Hi there @rlawodls99,
Hope you’re having a great week so far!
Every element in this project is stunning - especially the message of the piece. The message seems to echo with every new particle that pops up. From the deer running through a meadow to the bird that is formed from the deer, it’s a brilliant illustration of coexistence.
Wonderfully done.
Thanks so much for sharing your art and good luck in the challenge!
Greetings @rlawodls99 !
What a great way to display the concept of mutualism and dependence between species and nature! In addition to expressing water, land, and sky, you have also expressed light - an essential element of life.
Coexistence inspired me to learn more. I learned that birds of several species use the hair of deer as nesting material, and some birds peck on the backs of deer for small parasites for nourishment. This keeps the deer clean and healthy. I did not know this prior to viewing your cinematic. (The More You Know
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us! Did participating in this challenge teach you something new? If so, what was it? If not, did you grow stronger in something that you already knew as a result of participating in this challenge?