Speedtree wind problem

I have created a large bush in speed tree modeler that consists of branches(thorns) and sky sensitive leaves. I added wind effect with wind wizard and it all looks right inside speed tree modeler. Branches are sweying, and the leaves are moving the way they are supposed to. When I import my model to UE i get branch movement but leaves are static, only following their branches.

Hello Svarc,

Whenever a SpeedTree model is imported into UE4 it comes with a SpeedTree node inside of your material. If you open your material in UE4 and click on that node, you will be able to edit how fast or slow that material will move.

Please let me know if you tweaking these settings help you.

If not please post again and I will continue to look into this issue at that time.

Thank you,

Thank you for your fast response LB. Yes i knew i had SpeedTree node inside material per tree object, just didn’t know that “Wind Type” setting for leaves to move individually has to be Best. So if any 1 has this problem there is the solution