So, i was pretty surprised when my instanced foliage trees were going crazy - with the leaves stretching like there was a black hole in the middle of my level. Note that this ONLY happens when the trees are part of instanced foliage.
I just found out that this seems to be related to the “WindType” option in the SpeedTree material node that controls the WPO of the branches and leaves. By default, it’s set to “BestPlus”. By dropping it down to “Better” or lower, the issue completely disappears.
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Kinda works but mostly doesn’t. My tree’s base move around if there is any kind of wind. Even the default wind.
Meanwhile hand place trees kinda work (at least the base of the tree doesn’t move around). Something is messed up in the foliage editor.
Using UE 5.0.3.
Possible fix Changing line 1647 in Shaders/Private/MaterialTemplate.ush (or 1679 in main branch) from ‘#if USE_INSTANCING’ to ‘#if USE_INSTANCING || USE_INSTANCE_CULLING’ seems to fix it