Actually, the speedtree LODs bug. With custum Screen Size, each time UE4 restarts or a level loads, the LODs don’t work fine. It’s necessary to update the Screen Size of LOD0 (to retape the same value) to correct temporaly the bug:
Anything below a value of 0.01 gets clamped to 0 and this may be why you’re seeing the settings revert the way they are. If you can use a higher value for your LOD0 and then varying LOD screen sizes for the others you can verify this is happening.
Is there a particular reason to use such a low screen size for your LOD0?
Is there a mathematics equation for translating the Screen Size to Unreal units? Or maybe there’s some documentation on how to calculate the proper screen size values?
Its a little confusing that you can’t just enter a distance value for when you want each LOD to start. With the default values that you get when importing a speedtree model, the LODs transition way too close and it looks awful.
P.S. The topic linked above doesn’t exist anymore.