This game is no longer in development. I have finished it and moved on.**
Hello, fellow UE community!
I’m a hobby dev using Unreal Engine in my free time and after two projects that were too ambitious for my skill level and budget I am finally working on a game which I think I can complete in time.
It is a fast-paced game revolving around speedrunning. In a way, it is similar to Refunct as it aims to be a relaxing and deathless experience without a story or tutorial. **But **I am **not **trying to make a Refunct clone, that’s why the sound and level design will be different.
As you can see, at this point in development the game is rather unpolished, but the gameplay and screenshots should give you an idea of where the game is headed. The level shown in the video might look generic, because I am still deciding on the game’s artstyle.
I’d appreaciate any constructive criticism, feedback and suggestions I can get! Thank you for reading!
Very cool! I like this idea, especially how taking huge shortcuts are encouraged as part of the game. The level design and block out work are also pretty well-done.
Perhaps there might be an option for a third person mode? That’ll probably be a huge game changer in terms of how you make your levels, but when it comes to very fast paced games like this, it might be a useful option to help you get a greater awareness of your surroundings.
I have never considered a third person mode, but I might consider the idea of making an extra mode where you play in the third-person perspective! Thank you for your kind words and yes, many shortcuts will exist in the final level!
i really like the concept and powers you’ve giving, all of them pointing to the speed running feeling
the level style currently is nice, simple, kinda relaxing actually
for new levels i think the levels could be cities, in space (the platforms are meteors, alien ships, etc), or under water
the mechanics of the game are cool and i think a ledge grabbing mechanic would fit in
Thank you for your kind feedback! I plan to keep the level style simple and right now I have just three courses planned within a city environment. I have considered a ledge grabbing mechanic and I will try to implement it sometime in the future!
**Update 10/06/2018: **Finally, another update! I have been working on the game for the past week and managed to make a lot of progress. Some of that progress can now be seen in the photo album on imgur. Check it out: Speedrun: The Game - Development Screenshots - Album on Imgur
Update 10/21/18: It has been 15 days since my last update! Wow! I used these days to make some progress overall, in fact, the game is nearly finished! All that’s left to do is to add some music and finish the courses! But what has been added/changed, you might ask.
Here’s a small list:
-A display showing all of your personal records
-A small animation when falling into the clouds
-The beginner and intermediate courses have been redesigned!
-A new and improved landing sound
-The UI has been improved (again)
it turned out to not be so relaxing to me XD
bugs i found :
the music volume bar doesn’t work
changing between 16:9 and 4:3 makes the buttons broken kinda, the mouse is at the right of the screen but the buttons at the left get hovered
using the dash you can glitch through buildings and solid objects
in options, changing one option resets the changes controls (annoying)
things i liked :
the intro of the game was smooth (in my oponion)
the clouds look really awesome
the level paths are not clear, forcing you to look everywhere and find more paths
the dash is super useful and fun, had the most fun starting one level and doing the other one then wasting time for about 3-9min then doing the actual level XD
i honestly think the double jump shouldn’t be after dashing but its still fun to use, going to places i wouldn’t think i could go
the ways possible in each level is cool, going to the end with a new record then finding new platforms, jumping to the clouds, doing the new way, getting a worse record, facepalming…
allowing us to go stand on the buildings in the orange course
things i didn’t like:
the music… its not relaxing, the song you used in the gameplay video would’ve fit more
took me 5-10min to find out how to start a level xD kept going to the open door trying to find out how to start a level or what does triangles do…
please at the beginning tell the player how to wallrun… did it by accident 2times and then after alot of deaths, finally found out that i have to press jump AGAIN to start wallrunning…
the size of the game is too much : you can decrease the size about 100mb by deleting the .pdb files (they’re for debugging), i’ve extracted and checked the game assets, the map is taking up most of the space, you can compress it by : 1.going to project settings, package options, enable create compressed cooked packages and enable cook only maps
you still did a really good job at the game, you did a really good job at designing and creating the game overall,
Thank you for your nice and detailed feedback!
I will fix the bugs you’ve found and try my best to improve the game’s overall feel!
Your information about compressing my game’s size and deleting the .pdb files will be extremely helpful in the future (this is the first game I finished, so I still have a lot to learn, especially about releasing a game).
The game’s music was made by me and it was my first time making some music myself, so I still improve it a lot
Once again, thank you for your feedback and your advice!
btw i found a new bug : wallrunning at the edge of the walls makes the camera get stuck side ways, you can probably fix this by fixing the camera everytime the player dashes (maybe)
and i kinda agree with Gr4ph0ss’s idea, maybe decrease the friction for a few seconds after the players lands to allow them to go faster and faster, but if the player stand on the ground for a little (maybe 1.5sec) bring the friction back to normal