Hey all, I need some help thinking through a spline that I am trying to create. I have a car that I want to move along a spline. I know how fast the car should be moving along the spline at certain distances along it. Please refer to the image below. For example: The distance of my spline starts at “0” and ends at “1”. From distance 0 to .010 on the spline, the car needs to accelerate from 0-2682 cm/s. From distance .010 to .116 on the spline the car needs to accelerate from 2682 cm/s to 5811 cm/s. How could I accomplish making a spline with this sort of control over movement speeds? What would the blueprint need to look like? I currently have a blueprint that allows me to move objects along a spline but I can only control the duration of movement along the spline. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
use an array of structs to store the position in the spline and desired speed like this:
then do a function that gives you the desired speed based on your spline position from 0 to 1 using the get spline length your are using and so some math.
you can use this too:
make a function that you give the position in the spline and it gives you back the speed target
then use Finterp TO to accelerate from current speed to desired speed:
interp speed = acceleration. higher = faster.
you have all you need:
the length of the spline. you know 0 is the start point and 1 is the end point and how long is it.
delta seconds (time)
and target speed.
Thank you for such a detailed answer! I am going to work on this today. One more question that I have; I’ve seen some people creating splines and controlling movement along the spline within the spline BP itself. I have been controlling movement along a spline within my Pawn BP. Which BP would you recommend working within when using the method you outlined above?
spline can be a component in your BP (spline component)