Speed and Weight Buff not working right

Hi All,

First post, been playing with the editor and found 2 things I cant make go away or work right.

Im playing with potions ATM. 2 im working on are a weight buff and speed buff. The weight buff works fine, like a few others i have, but after it deactivates the players weight value doesnt return until something is moved (ie consumed, dropped, pickedup). Its obv not refreshing the weight value, any way around that? I tried adding a buff after that one that adds 0.1 weight but that only makes the weight 0.1

The other one is speed, not working at all. In the buff i have under values to add->speed multiplier a value (300 for testing) no difference.

I have a few others that work great like stam regen and health but cant get these 2 right. Dont know where or what to try.

Thanks in advance

You should try ‘Max Stat Scalers’ in the buff BP if you are trying to edit max values.

For speed, you can also use ‘Modify Speed Values’ and ‘Character Submerged Speed’ and ‘Character Unsubmerged Speed’ (I think this is what they are called) to change speed in water or on land independently.

How about creating a dummy item that gets added to the inventory when the potion wears off? Just call it “Potion debuff” or something. It can then immediately and automatically be consumed, dropped, deleted/whatever since its only there to force a weight update.

Max stat scalers will work fine for the speed buff. Not so well for weight buff
For the weight buff, you’re best off doing that in the graph of the buff.
Use BPGet Max Status Values to get the max weight, add a Float+Float and connect it to Set Max Status Values on begin play
Do the same but use a Float-Float on event destroyed to reset the weight to original.

Max Stat Scalers has worked fine for me in the past. If the you are having trouble getting weight to reset, you can use the ‘Update Weight Stat’ node from the Character Status Component.