I have a map setup for 1v1’s and want to be able to spectate the players. To accomplish this, I setup a rift to an elimination zone where when you press a button the class changes and then area eliminated to spectate only mode. Today on my screen I have two players on my immediate team with all others playing on another team. Anyone on my immediate team when eliminated, respawn into the map and ready to play, but those on the opposing team go into spectate only mode. I need some advice on how to set this up in reverse. Those on my team or in my party go into spectate when eliminated and those that are not on my team are immediately respawned. Thoughts on how to accomplish this?
Hi there! I work on the UEFN documentation team. What devices are you using already? You might need to tweak some settings on devices you’re already using.
There are also settings in Island Settings that might be able to provide the functionality you’re looking for.
Thank you for reaching out. Which settings do you recommend tweaking?
Here is my setup:
Damage Volume
1. Zone Width: 60
2. Zone Depth: 60
3. Zone Height: 2
4. Damage Type: Elimination
5. Enable VFX: Disabled
6. Selected Class: 16
7. Affects Class: Only Selected
8. Affects Creatures: No
9. Affects Vehicles: No
1. Events
• Class Selector: Enable
• Class Selector: Change Player to Class
2. Interaction Text: Spectate Button
3. Interaction Radius: 1.25ish Meters
Collectible Object
1. Score: 0
2. Collecting Team: Team 16
3. Visible to Opposing Players
Class Designer
1. Class Identifier: 16
2. Spawn Limit: 1
Capture Area
1. Periodic Score Value: 0
2. Capture Allowed on Game Start: No
Class Selector
1. Class to Switch to: 16
2. Time to Switch: Instant
3. Functions
a. Enable when Receiving From:
i. Button: On Interact
b. Change Player to Class When Receiving From
i. Button: On Interact
My Island
1. Game
a. Default Class Identifier: 1
You can add one or a combination of these devices to decide what happens to teams or individuals when they’re eliminated:
- Team Settings and Inventory Device
- Round Settings Device
- Class Designer Device
- Class Selector Device
In the Island Settings device you can use these settings to determine what happens when players are eliminated or join a game in progress:
- After Last Spawn Go To
- Team Visuals Determined At
- Join In Progress
- Post-Game Spawn Location
- Allow Spectating Other Teams
So I want all players to respawn, but I want to go into spectate mode. Any ideas on how to force this to work?
To Clarify a little more what Aimbot Dad is looking for in the map is for one person to remain a spectator while other people continue to 1 v 1. I run a 1 v 1 stream and want to watch as different members come in a play each other. I’m not looking for the players to end up spectating when eliminated, I’m looking for an option to spectate only for me while the others continue to be eliminated and play.
I’ll ask the engineers if this is possible. I can’t think of how you can make only yourself spectate bc that would be dependent on you spawning into the game using a specific spawn pad, but you’re not guaranteed to spawn using the same pad every time.
Thanks for getting back and checking with the engineers. Here is a map as an example of what we are talking about.
you can make a health pickup with the health value set to 0 to eliminate the player instead of a damage volume.
theres a couple ways:
1.) make the spawn limit 1 in the class designer or the team manager for only the spectator class or team. keep the spawn limit on unlimited in the island settings.
2.) make a spectator spawn pad and make a button that switches the player to a spectator class then picks up the health pickup, that will make your player spawn on the different spawn pad. There is a bug in creative 2.0 where they cant press the respawn button if their spawn pad is inside a damage volume, but you can get around that with an explosive device if you have to!
once they become a spectator, there is no way for them to get back unless they go back to the lobby, or a new round starts (and your 1v1 may not have multiple rounds technically in the game files).
1865-9822-2691 theres my boxfight map as a working example, but this one has multiple rounds