Specified crypto keys cache does not exist!

Hello Everyone!

I get this error message when I try to package my game.

**UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogPakFile: Display: Parsing crypto keys from a crypto key cache file
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogWindows: Error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogWindows: Error: Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Developer/PakFileUtilities/Private/PakFileUtilities.cpp] [Line: 1530]
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogWindows: Error: Specified crypto keys cache 'F:\KukuiFiles(AllFilesAreHERE' does not exist!
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogWindows: Error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogWindows: Error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogWindows: Error:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealPak terminated with exit code 3
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: UnrealPak failed**

I can use the project launcher no problem but I can’t package my game through package project.

Does anyone know why I might be getting this error?

I’ve attached the full logs.

link text

I’m not sure what the exact problem is but it looks like a certificate permissions problem.

Okay, so I found a solution and I’m posting what I did so if anyone in history ever finds themselves trying to figure this out. They will have at least one possible solution.

All I did was copy my project from one spot and pasted it to another spot in the same drive. After reopening the new project in a different spot I was able to package my game. I’m sure the devs at epic would know a better solution but this worked for me. I hope it can help someone else. Have a great day everyone!

The problem is having () in your file path. If you look at the error it says ‘F:\KukuiFiles(AllFilesAreHERE’, indicating that ) is missing. I solved my issue removing the parenses from folder name.

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