Hi all, i wan’t to create something similar to the game archer maclean’s mercury. Here’s a link to the gameplay. Archer Maclean's Mercury Pt. 1 - YouTube
8 minutes into the video there is a arrow track that is moving one direction ( to the right ). I want to create that and also i want full controll of the character like in the video. The track is moving and when my player gets on it i want to be able to move off the arrow track.
I’m working on a third person template with the ball mesh fromthe roller template as my character ( i just replaced the Mannekin of the third person character blueprint and changed it with the ball mesh ).
I also changed the walking speed of the character to 900 i think.
What is the best way to create this?
Thanks in advance
Ah yeah that’s it, thank you very much. I was looking for this. The first video goes waaay to quick but i can watch the second one hihi. Thanks again for the reply.
Thank you very much for the effort NanoTheGamer, i have the blueprint i wanted, now let’s test it out
2 more questions, i have a mesh with a panner. It shows a moving texture, when i scale up the box the texture gets scaled up also and is waay bigger than the box itself.
How can i have a long box with the texture inside the box and not looking “streched out”?
Also when i put 2 of these actors behind each other the player gets “launched” a little in the middle of the 2 actors. When i duplicate the actor and put this duplicate actor behind the first one, it does the movement but at the end the character gets slowed down.
Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks in advance
Nevermind the previous, the problem is the following. When i put 2 of these actors behind each other the player gets “launched” a little in the middle of the 2 actors
Also i want to know how i can have a long box with the texture inside the box so that the texture is not “streched out” in one specific axis?