are there anyone knows how to use the Special Characters like “+.” to set N values to the same key in .ini files?
I tried use these code to add :
const TCHAR* Section = TEXT("/Script/UnrealEd.EditorLoadingSavingSettings");
const TCHAR* Key = TEXT("+AutoReimportDirectorySettings");
FText value_text = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("Config_Value", "(SourceDirectory=\"{0}\",MountPoint=\"{1}\",Wildcards=)"),
const TCHAR* Value = *value_text.ToString();
GConfig->SetString(Section, Key, Value, GEditorPerProjectIni);
GConfig->Flush(false, GEditorPerProjectIni);
but the .ini file was always had only one map like “AutoReimportDirectorySettings”,how can I update file like these:
thanks very much if there is anyone can help me !