I have my projectile spawning from my RightHand bone segment and having it shoot somewhat towards the center of the screen towards my crosshair. But it’s shooting off to the right, I believe it’s because it’s not factoring in the rotation of the Bone but I’m not 100% on what the issue might be. I was going off this post’s mechanic for the projectile going towards the screen but can’t get it working quite right:
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Try replacing the “Make Rot from X” node with either Find Look at Rotation (Find Look at Rotation | Unreal Engine Documentation) or Get Azimuth and Elevation (Get Azimuth and Elevation | Unreal Engine Documentation).
Neither does quite the job of the C++ command “ToOrientationRotator”, but it will do the job in this case.
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THANK YOUUUUUUUUU, I was struggling a bit with this and this worked perfectly
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Works great!