Hello. I’m breaking my head for two days already with the following setup:
I have a lever and a button. The lever has 5 possible positions to spawn and the button have another 5 possible positions to spawn. When I pull the lever for the first time, the button should become visible. Then I need to push the button, after that I can pull the lever for the second time. Spawning of the lever on random location works perfectly and the buttons visibility is toggled on when I have the button placed into the level manually. However if I implement random spawning of the button I can’t get it become visible when pulling the lever.
This is the setup for the random spawning of the layer.
The random spawning network of the button looks exactly the same, however I can’t find out which nodes to use after the Spawn Actor node to control the visibility of the spawned button.
The button blueprint starts with the buttons render visibility disabled. I have tried to control it’s visibility with the Event BeginPlay, but it doesn’t help to solve the problem.
I would appreciate any help.