Spawning Object (emitter) with the right rotation

Mainly used for direction, deriving rotators from normals is a bit of a side product. You will only need a rotator when something actually asks for it. More than often directional vectors are the way to go.

read more about normals

This is very official, lots of math and trig:

Btw, Dot Product is the next thing to learn about once you’ve got Normals under control.

How to get there:

Once you have it:

This is also a great resource:

do you think this logic is okay to trace to the surface under the actor?

It’s more than fine, you could also:

But it’s the same thing.

Or is there an optimal way to do it?

The character is already tracing the surface they’re walking on.

So you could use the existing trace already. Becomes useless when you jump, though. So stick to your own tracing.

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