Spawning geometry collection in 5.3 freezes engine almost every time.

Hey, so I just ported my project to 5.3 from an early 5.1 source build, but I’m having really bad issues with the engine freezing completely when interacting with actor BP’s that spawn geometry collections.

The collections work fine when placed in the level in of themselves, and the BP’s work fine if they do everything else but spawn the geometry collection.

Since it’s a freeze and not a crash, I’m not getting anything in the output log. But it appears to be a issue with specific threads, as audio continues and I occasionally see closed threads in the output logs. Could there be a loop issue with chaos that’s not caught as an exception?

I’ve tried recreating the BP’s and regenerating the collection in case there’s a version conflict, as well as adjusting all sorts of collision and transform settings and timings, but have had no luck.

Any ideas?


I’m having the same problem,
not sure it crashes when I spawn the Geometry Collection
or when the Break event is called.
I’ll be following this thread very closely…

Note : I migrated from 5.2 to 5.3
Note2: Looks like we are not the only ones (Reddit - Dive into anything)
Note3: How the hell Epic can miss it in their Unit tests ??

I see they mention disabling nanite fixing it for them, sadly that’s not a workaround for me as I still get the same freezing.
Though it seems like the editor leaves some trash nanite data for the static meshes even when disabled? All meshes I’ve tested nanite on in the past gets marked with “Nanite is enabled, but cannot render” despite nanite being disabled on them.
Maybe it’s getting confused and doesn’t know how to deal with nanite on these assets at times?

Sadly it appears that epic focuses a lot more on pushing new features and then leaves polishing and maintaining the old in the dust. All the big companies have their own engine programmers with their own modified source builds and custom tweaks, fixes, features and ways to do things, and making things convenient for the rest of us isn’t a priority.


Just noticed this bug myself when I was testing my game in 5.3. For the record, I have Nanite completely disabled.

Any updates on this, a workaround maybe? I have exact same issue.

I just downloaded the 5.3.1 hotfix. Here’s the relevant bugfix:

|UE-194917|Crash when enabling Nanite on a Geometry Collection|

The game freezes for me regardless of whether Nanite is enabled. Nevertheless I gave the hotfix a try, and alas, it doesn’t help my issue. No change for me.

OK, I fixed my problem, which may or may not be what others in this thread are dealing with.

Basically, I had an actor that when destroyed would spawn a geometry collection where the actor’s mesh was. The actor would then call destroy and remove itself, leaving only the newly spawned geometry collection.

Adding a small delay of 10 milliseconds before spawning the geo collection is what fixed the crash for me. I have no idea why. The actor is still getting destroyed during the same frame as the geo collision is spawned, so as far as I can tell, it changed nothing, yet it fixes my problem completely.


I was actually about to try this as a last resort, but came here to check if any new info showed up. I set a timer for 0.0005 and it was enough to fix it. I could test to see if I could go lower, but I don’t see the point.

Mine was slightly different, I have a throwable object that swaps to a geocollection that is already spawned but hidden and was having the same crashing issue. It only happened though when using a physics handle and not when the same BP was destroyed in place without throwing it.

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Can you show us your blueprint? I’m still very new at all this, but saw fracture as a possible solution for what I want to do in my game. I’m VERY glad to see you found a workaround! This was definitely a show-stopper for me using chaos. Epic owes you a Starbucks gift card.

I had to switch to another browser, since this forum doesn’t seem to like firefox and wouldn’t let me upload an image, but there you go. Not much to it though, just a delay before I spawn in my geometry collection actor. Before that, i’m disabling collision, visibility and physics on the static mesh that the geo collection will be replacing. All this is being called from an event called upon receiving damage.

I am having this exact same problem in 5.3.2 (where this issue was supposed to be resolved) - I can put my actor with Geometry collection in scene but if I try to spawn it at play - instant crash every time.

Keeping an eye on this thread

Thanks It worked ! Original Poster(Graylord) should mark this as an answer. I added delay of (0.01) before spawning GC blueprint. And it worked. Thank you soo much it was driving me mad for over 2 days.

hi brother, can I ask how to break a geometry collection actor by spawning it at the collision position after the original object collides with other objects?

hi brother, can I ask how to break a geometry collection actor by spawning it at the collision position after the original object collides with other objects?

If you want to break geometry collection on impact as it used to be in apex destruction (UE4). Then use these settings in your GC blueprint.

  1. Enable Clustering
  2. Set Cluster Connection Type to "Chaos Point Implicit.
  3. Mass as Density “false/unchecked”
  4. Mass : “2500”
    *Now you will be wondering why Mass have to be 2500 when we are not even using it. And answer is that I don’t know but there is bug in engine 5.3 where if you have set Mass other than 2500 (even if you have Mass as Density turned Off) it will not work.
    *So firstly set mass to “2500” then turn off “Mass as Density”

If you want to spawn destructible then here is video to help you :

I just logged in to confirm that nanite impacts editing performance drastically. Speaking of freezing times more than 30 seconds without using any PC resources at all.
UE 5.3.2 for me.

Just FYI. C++
I spawned a lot of actors with component UGeometryCollectionComponent and then used OnComponentHit and Destroy(). Editor was hanging (freezed) in 5.3.2.
No freeze after project upgrade to 5.4.4 - okay now.

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It’s also fine in 5.5

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