I’m making a backrooms game and I’m on the third level. The idea is for a player to be running down the hall, enter a triggerbox and an enemy would spawn behind him with a blueprint class I called spawner and chase him till the end. I was able to make the enemy spawn behind the player after running into the triggerbox, but the enemy only runs in place. I don’t know If the pawn sensing is not working, or is the location for the enemy bad or does he just not have space in which he can move or smth. I added the navmesh bounds and the enemy blueprint is the same as for the other previous enemies, on this one I only changed the visuals and for all the previous ones it works fine, but on the other ones they’re already in the game since the start and are not being spawned later. I also tried spawning an with a second triggerbox as a location but the result was the same. What I would like to know is what did I do wrong and how I could fix it, or If there is a simpler way to do this idea that would work.
Bellow, I’m adding 3 pictures; one to show the preview of the elements in the editor, a second one to show the levelblueprint for the actor to be spawned and for the last; the enemy blueprint, but only the chasing part, because I have a lot more after that which just plays the audio, transitions into another animation when caught etc. (which as I said has worked for me everywhere else but here so far).