I have ClassA that I spawn multiple times inside level. In ClassA I have array of objects (that I later cast to actors) that is public. Inside my level for each instance of my ClassA I put different actors inside array. Now I want to spawn those inside construction script of ClassA. So I can have ClassA instances spawned in level while all actors from array are attached to matching instances of ClassA. Some instances might have 10 actors to spawn on them, some might have none. I am able to do that inside level blueprint with SpawnActor node, but that way I cant tweak location and size of array actors while in editor, and since I will have to tweak those on every ClassA instance it is lots of work, thats why I want to do it in constructor. I tried with AddChildActorComponent node but it only allows selecting particular actor in ChildActorClass drop down menu, I cant read actors from array that way. Any idea how could I do this?
if (CreateLevel){
for (int YLength = 0; YLength < NumberOfFloors; YLength++){
Level.Add(GetWorld()->SpawnActor< ABuildingModLevel >());
Level[YLength]->AttachRootComponentTo(BaseRoot, NAME_None, EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset);
UpdateLevels = true;
CreateLevel = false;