When spawning in an actor with the blueprint seen in the image, i get an entirely deformed result. The highlighted object is the spawned in one and the black rectangle next to it is if i manually drag it into the game. I tried multiple “solutions” like creating a transform instead of only using the location but it never got any better than this. Maybe i’m missing something completely. I am starting to think it might be an bug in 4.17 but this seems unlikely to me.
Yep thats it. the y scale is 0.0625 and if i set it to 1 it gives rougly the same effect. Now another question. It’s 0.0625 because its suppose to bee a playing card. Is there a way to recalculate the scale of an actor so it becomes 1 again but still holds its current shape or do i need to add a scale to the transform when spawning and put that scale to 0.0625 ?