SpawnForceFeedbackAtLocation() doesn't pause with game?


I’ve been assigned to work on a game that uses SpawnForceFeedbackAtLocation() to implement force feedback effects. I understand that this is used so that a single effect can be felt by multiple players if they’re nearby.

The problem I’m facing is this: if an effect started with SpawnForceFeedbackAtLocation() is in progress when the game is paused, the effect continues until the game is unpaused.

I don’t see how the effects can be paused or stopped from looking at the API/headers/Docs. How can I get the effects to pause or stop? Can they be paused/stopped at all?

Migrating to use the playerController force feedback methods would be a gargantuan task, so I don’t think that’s viable. I could potentially migrate to SpawnForceFeedbackAttachedTo(), but I don’t see how to pause/stop the effects there either.


A “Stop” node has been my work around. I have triggered it right when the game is paused. For another case, a short delay node before the stop node has made it work.