Spawner not Spawing After a thing

So i have this Spawner which Spawns enemies, it Spawns enemies but when i kill its one of the spawn enemies it just stops spawning. it does animation and all but it just stops spawning, the signal also goes Spawn Ai Node But is just desent spawn

How are we supposed to know how you wired things up?

sry my bad

What i am saying is the blueprint script goes to the spawn ai from class node but it is not spawning

You need to be very detailed and show screenshots of the way you’ve connected your nodes. Otherwise no one can help you. All I’m hearing is this:


It does not help me help you :expressionless:

For all I know you might be spawning the AI under ground. You might have run into a horrible, yet undiscovered UE4 bug everyone has been suffering from or simply forgot to hook up a variable in the right place.

In my head we have a spawner here that spits out enemies every 15s and the player’s job is to kill them. And the spiders keeps spawning every 15s no matter what, so there can be more than 1 spider at a time.

How close am I?

And that’s precisely why one would want to avoid Tick + Delay - it leads to debugging nightmares. If something you have no control over happens between the ticks, you might get stuck without even realising why.

Also, ask yourself why you’d want to attempt to spawn something 60 times (or more) every second - that’s what Tick does.

None of the code above should be running every frame.

How does it look like when you run the actual debugger? Can you see the execution flowing correctly, as you’d expect?

Consider using a timer instead, so much cleaner and you have full control over it:

Could you briefly describe how it’s supposed to work? There’s a couple of things here I find hard to wrap my mind around - it might be an intended design thing, though. Please do clarify if you can.

  • why is the spawner keeping track of spider health?
  • why is the spawner keeping track of the widget?

Those 2 jobs belong to the spider, no? Also:

  • the script above does not allow for tracking data from more than 1 spider at a time - intended?
  • it seem that we need to kill the spawner here, not the spider - also intended? (or are we hitting the spawner to kill the spider?)

It might be all by design, just asking so I can suggest something more tangible.

Extremely pretty close
I am fairly new to the UE4

ok so i tested the timer as u mentioned the problem still continues
About the health widget i know i can directly set it through the widget blueprint but i dont know how to set it for something other than main character as casting to that will not work
And spawner itself is enemy so it can die thats why health.
i am debugging thats why 1 spider 4 are intended?

Not sure how much it helps you but I wrote this small spider spawner, see if it inspires you:

  • the spawner spawns spiders:

  • the player deals damage to all spiders they touch

  • spider itself

Above, each one has its own health pool and a widget that represents it, these spiders can jump. Replace whatever you need with the AI.

Image from Gyazo

Zipped project link:

This is just to demonstrate an Event Driven behaviour; beats running things on Tick every time.

it is also happening with as simple as this

it spawns and spawns just when i kill one it stops
i think its problem with replication i will check

sure will thank you for ur time

Hey Man the problem is solved

Glad to hear you found a way. Good luck with the rest!