Spawned decals are rendered incorrectly in Sequencer

I have this weird problem with the sequencer and spawning decals. What I intend to do is record gameplay with take recorder and render it out with the sequencer. For some reason the decals, in this case vehicle skid marks, are already on the ground before they should be spawned and they disappear as the vehicle drives over them. So the spawn is mirrored, and it affects only some of the decals. I tried to make changes to the BP but couldn’t find a solution. It seems that if there are multiple spawn points, every other is mirrored.

A screenshot:

This effect is always present in both sequencer timeline and render, but never in actual gameplay.

Here is the BP that does the skid marks (chaos vehicle pawn):

I am new to UE so maybe there’s a simple mistake somewhere but I can’t figure it out. :upside_down_face:

Same issue here. I tried to mess a bit with take recorder settings like avoiding “relativescale3d” track to be recorded from the vehicle, changing timecode settings and such but complete no luck. Opening a recorded sequence it seems that all the decals are recorder as intended, but one side has time like “in reverse”. I guessed it could be related to the wheels bones axis or such, but can’t figure out a solution. Some folks from epic can cover this? Seam that take recorder as many problems recording also spawned components, particles and materials parameters