When I spawn a character by dragging it into scene, it’s interfaces work fine, but when I spawn one only interfaces in base register as being available.
following graph is in characters BASE class. So your first guess might be that this is what’s happening - self is getting a reference to base and that’s what’s spawning. But when I print out class, it’s not name of base class, it’s name of correct derived class. Is this a bug then?
Hi Asher,
I haven’t been able to reproduce this in 4.8.3. To test, I created a Blueprint Interface in a Third Person template project and set it in a Child of ThirdPersonCharacter BP. I then spawned Child on Begin Play in Level Blueprint. Inside Child, I have this setup to test for interface:
Once spawned, Child prints “true”, indicating that Child Character does implement it’s interface as expected. Can you set up something similar and let me know if it sees interface? If not, could you try to reproduce this in a small test project and get that to me? Thanks!
I actually think this might be to do with where I was doing it. It was in an actor I had told to be destroyed. So Controller was pending destroy which I think was messing it up. I’m going to put it somewhere else and see what happens.
OK, so it is still happening, I’ll send it over. How should I send it?
and upload project someplace like Dropbox or Google Drive and send me a download link. If you need it to be private, you can send it via PM on forums:
OK i restarted machine and now it works fine with no changes. strange!
Hm, strange, but not unheard of. I’ll go ahead and resolve this post for now. If it starts happening again, please send project along so we can look into it.