Spawned actors by client on level sequence

Hello there,

I’m in a quite unconfortable situation: I’m making a multiplayer game in which there are Level Sequences with spawnables (AI Characters !!!), and the level sequence is only played on the client - so are these spawnables - but they are not possessed as they are on the client.

On one hand, I want to display the level sequence ONLY on the client, spawning the AIs which appear on the cutscene on client ONLY because I don’t want them to interfere with the experience of other players and that means, I believe, that the server SHOULD NOT SPAWN these AIs.

On the other hand, when a client spawns a character, it can’t be possessed - it’s not even possessed by the default AI because PlayerControllers are not replicated. And functions like AI move to can’t work.

All this means that the sequence has a correct result when I play as listen server, but when I start to debug as client, the AIs are spawned but can’t do anything because not possessed.

Is there any alternative ? Maybe actually spawning the AIs on the server but in some way that nobody know it ? Thank you !

reminded my of this:

so yeah, should be possible