Spawned actor won't fall

You need to simulate physics. You need Collision. No Collision = No simulation. The minimum for this to work:

Once you have Simulate, Gravity and Physics collision, you can ignore the unwanted channels below.

Also, there is a more graceful way of spawning something with a Timeline at specific times:

  • above, shift click in the Graph to add more events:

So you can do this without comparing floats (which may give you a headache):

But, of course, it may not be desired to do it this way if you have some special mechanics in mind.

I’m making this game in which the player moves left or right on the Y axis to avoid stuff that falls from the sky. I managed to put together a very simple blueprint that spawns actors on random Y value which are supposed to be the falling stuff, they get spawned in the right place but stay there and never fall.

I’ve seen many similar threads and I’ve read that characters need a controller to fall, but these are basic actor blueprints, just a collision sphere and a ball mesh, can’t provide them with a controller. I’ve also tried turning on simulate physics for the projectiles, but no luck.

Any idea about what am I doing wrong? Attached is the spawner blueprint and the physics and collision details of the spawned actors. Any help will be really appreciated! Thanks!

Spawner blueprint:

Details of spawned actors:

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Great that was it thank you! :slight_smile: I’ll try your timeline trickery, never used an event track before but sounds really useful!