Spawned actor dont Attach

I have been working on a RPG and reached the stage of attaching equiped itens to the character, the problem is: After spawning the actor, it just dont attach to actor/socket.

No matter what socket i use, AttachToComponent or AttachToActor, Snap to Target, i tried MANY options but it just spawns and act like the Attach command dont exist, the only difference is if i disable or not the collison:

I followed this [old] tutorial for this: Unreal Engine 4 - Equipment System Part 7 - Attaching Items to Character (Part 22) - YouTube

I really need some help, if anyone can help me out i would be very grateful.


During “Play in Editor” mode, if you press F8 and check the “World Outliner” panel, does the actor that contains the socket has the spawned weapon nested?

Can you try unpinning the GetActorTransform node and split the “Spawn Transform” parameter from the “Spawn Actor” and test?

PS: Do you speak portuguese?

Boa noite Bruno!
Quando ejeto do personagem e vejo a transformação do ator spawnado ele está no lugar certo mas o Mesh não, quando mudo o transform do spawn pro socket ele spawna no lugar correto mas a colisão faz o ator ser “repelido”, voando pra longe do personagem. Meu Attach to Actor ou Attach to Component não faz o ator ficar “preso” ao personagem.

Quanto à colisão, me parece bem estranho, vai precisar verificar as propriedades de colisão e física de cada um.

O objeto continua sendo repelido? E com “RTS Parent Bone Space”?

A solução foi um pouco mais fácil do que pensei:

  1. Fazer o Mesh ser a raíz do ator spawnado, antes era componente de cena
  2. Desabilitar a física via blueprint antes de anexar ao socket
    Simples assim. Obrigado pela ajuda!

If someone have the same issue, here is how to solve it:

The mesh must the root of the spawned actor
Before attaching the new actor, get the mesh reference and disable Simulate Physics

Nice and simple.

Now if only I understood what the hell you just said, then maybe it could have been helpful!

I had this problem as well, this above didn’t resolve it unfortunately, so in case anyone hits the same wall I did:

  1. Open the physics asset
  2. Select the root bone in the Skeleton Tree
  3. In the Details panel, expand the Physics section
  4. Set Physics Type to Default (mine was previously set to simulated)