Spawned actor, component AorB to move inside BP

Hello, i need help to understand a thing.
I spawning an actor from a BP called “steelyruotatatest” everytime i spawned an actor (clicking CAM) the actor give different name ingame. I need to rotate the component inside this CCTVcamera (bracket, body and others) but i can’t find a way to move component inside what i spawned.
Someone suggests to sets actor spawned in array but if i sets name and trasnform inside it, how can i refer to body or bracked to move one component or others?
Here you can see a short video. thank you so much!
BTW i need a techer, if someone want to give 30 mins 1 hour lessons i will be happy :smiley:

I am not sure I completely understand your issue but if you want to move particular components of an actor you need to get a reference to that actor and then from that reference drag out the component you want to modify. So after you spawn the actor, save the output as a reference. From that reference pull off a wire and search for the component you want to modify. Once you have access to the specific component you should be able to set its rotation and transform etc

you got the point
Yes can be a way but only for the last spawned object? if i want to modify something spawned 3 spawn back of it?
There is a way to move some component of actor spawned?

If I am understanding your question correctly, you want to transform/rotate only 1 instance of this actor and in your video you are encountering an issue where all instances of this actor are getting this transformation applied to it rather than 1. To rectify this, you’ll want to set a reference to the actor (a sub class). This is basically a variable that will reference the actor. Set the subclass in the blueprints whenever you click the button to spawn in a new instance of this actor, so now only the newest spawned instance of the actor will have this variable referencing it. Now, in the blueprints for the rotation of this actor you will have the ability to reference what you want to rotate/transform. In which case you would get a reference to that subclass. I am not 100% sure if this will work, so if you are experiencing issues or would like a more in depth explanation (provided with pictures of the desired blueprints) please feel free to contact me.

You can try using an “On Clicked” event with the actor’s mesh, so when you click one of the cameras you spawned it will become the “active” object (you will need to set a variable to store the “clicked” actor). So each time you click on a different instance of the camera mesh it will reset this “active” object to the last selected object. Any modification you do to the camera currently in the “active” object variable will only affect that particular instance.