SpawnActorDeferred removing all other Blueprint child components

const auto& Transform = GetActorTransform();
ACOCorpse* NewCorpse = GetWorld()->SpawnActorDeferred(CorpseClass, Transform);

just calling that function doesn’t cause the issue, it’s when something is attached to the root component; in this case a UPoseableMeshComponent

			PoseComp->AttachToComponent(RootComp, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepWorldTransform);

If I change it to regular spawning everything works fine

No just worked around it by not using posemesh component and copying bone transforms and/or using copy pose from mesh at the animation level from the original body and making all the skeletal meshes not dynamic but part of the default c++ class

Did you ever find the root cause of this? I’m running into the same situation where I have two colliders I’ve set up attached to the root component in the constructor of my actor, and SpawnActorDeferred is resulting in an actor with those two components empty.