SpawnActor Tranform Not Working - Or places actor at 0,0,0 [BUG?]

6hrs of testing and not able to figure out…(not a newbie - so its time to hit the forum)

I have a BPTurret in my Level - (Setup as a Pawn Class) and when I attempt to Drag it into my level OR spawn it (my preference) It moves on-top of my (only) Actor (of Character Class) Not at my Valid SpawnTransform.

I tried to re-parent my BPTurret to a Actor but no Change in Behavior(didn’t help).
If I delete my Character and Spawn (using a valid SpawnTransform) OR Drag it into my level using a CustomEvent It appears at 0,0,0

I have an event that check to see if the Spawn ?is valid and it is - every thing works great in my BP except It spawns to the wrong location (on top of my other actor)
Always Spawn is ON. I moved my character and still it spawns ontop.

I have nothing in my Construction script (Adding a move didnt help either)
My other Pawn Class Actors are OK… Hoping someone else has seen this?