Hi, I’ve encountered a really weird issue where inside a child BP of the Actor Class, adding in Spawn Sound Attached to BOTH the Activate and Deactivate functions for my switch BP results in moving the entire BP to the World Origin. If you only use Spawn Sound Attached in one of the two functions it seems to be fine, or if you use Spawn Sound at Location in both of the functions it is also fine. The 2 functions are basically identical, but just reverse actions, shown below:
These 2 functions are called in the Construction Script, as well as in the Event Graph of the child (they are called in the Construction Script to allow reversing the default On/Off status of individual instances of this BP).
Yes, this is definitely a bug; just tested it using the scene component as the Attach to Component and the same result. As soon as you drag the BP into the world, it drops a few units lower than where you placed it, and if you try to move it, it will snap to 0,0,0. Here’s what the glitched details panel looks like:
I’m still going to call this a bug, but since it only triggers as a result of calling the 2 functions containing spawn sound attached in the Construction Script, the simple solution is to just call the portions of those functions you need. However, there is no obvious reason why that particular node would cause such chaos in the BP when being called in the Construction Script. Can be seen in this tutorial: https://youtu.be/osuC-J1sZEY?t=59m1s although the disappearing (and resetting origin) bug is not as obvious as in my scenario.