Spawn Sound at 0 volume doesn't begin playing the sound

A method I used to synchronize music doesn’t seem to work in 4.14 -

Spawning Track2 at 0 volume used to begin playing it with Track1, so that when the volume is raised and lowered with the second trigger box the two tracks would be in sync with each other. In 4.14 spawning track2 at 0 volume doesn’t actually start the track - raising the volume with the second trigger box is when the sound begins playing. This completely breaks this system I’ve been using to synchronize multiple tracks and fade them in and out. I’ve set the volume of track2 to 0.1 so that it begins at the right time but it’s still audible. Any ideas how I can fix this?

Any ideas on this? Or does anyone know why play sound attached seems to have changed to spawn sound attached?

Is there really no one on this forum who knows about sound?

If anyone comes across this in the future, SoundWaves have a Virtualize when Silent flag, which should keep them playing with 0 volume.

Have you tried spawning it in at 1 volume then immediately decreasing to 0??