Spawn skeletal meshes with SpawnActor does not work.

I have am using the default fps starter project.

I have downloaded some content (skeletal meshes) of knights.

Evereytime eventtick takes place i want to spawn a knight on the screen.

I try to use SpawnActor but i can’t figure out wich class to choose.

Not entirely sure ( never use SK ), but you might do it like this:

Spawning one every tick though is a bad idea :slight_smile:

You know that will be 120 meshes per second?

Create a new actor class. Add a skeletal mesh component to it. Select the component and in the details panel change the mesh to your knight.

Spawn actor (your new actor) … done.

I wouldn’t use tick event to spawn your knights, unless you want thousands of them in a very short period of time. I’d use Set timer by Event (looping).

You can spawn a skeletal mesh into the level that isn’t associated with any existing actor by selecting “Skeletal mesh actor” as the SpawnActor class and setting the skinned mesh of the skele mesh component