Spawn Redwood Tree in ADK

how do you place a Big Redwood Tree in your testlevel? including it’s snap points for platforms and sap!
when i drag’n’drop the SM of a Redwood, it does not have snap points…

Do you place it as foliage?

omg. what does this mean?
i’m not creating a map.
just doing some tests with the tree platform.

The mesh is probably not enough. I’m not 100% sure since devkit is still updating but snap points and such are probably in the foliage settings or linked through the foliage settings. It’s really simple to add to the testmap. See thewookie’s tutorial on adding a new harvestable resource for how to do it

EDIT: I have no idea how to get it to work. I get no collision on it when placing it as foliage or a mesh and don’t know enough about mapping yet to try and figure it out. Sorry.

You just have to drag the “SM_Redwood_01_CurvedLeaves.SM_Redwood_01_CurvedLeaves” static mesh into your level, set the collision in the details panel to “BlockAll” and then you can snap the tree platform to it.
The snappoints on the tree are static mesh sockets: Setting Up and Using Sockets With Static Meshes | Unreal Engine Documentation

Thank you Mezzow, this works great!!

next i made a structure to place the redwood.
i have a blueprint linked to SM_Redwood_01_CurvedLeaves.SM_Redwood_01_CurvedLeaves which places fine.
but how can i get snap points to work in this case? (sap/tree platform)
as i don’t see where to set the collision to “BlockAll”.

really sorry to drag up an old(ish) Thread, but im working on something atm and would really likle to know the answer to dubCUT’s last question as well. If a placable tree/item is made from the “SM_Redwood_01_CurvedLeaves.SM_Redwood_01_CurvedLeaves” static mesh or another static mesh is made and the TreePlatform sockets added to the mesh so platforms can attach to it how do we get platforms to snap to the object when placed? as I too can not get this to work on a placable object ive made. I even found the “BlockAll” option in the placable BP but that does not seem to do anything to help.
Would love any help guys. thanks.