I would suggest you to add the firing function inside the weapon blueprint then trigger the firing function from the player. This will give you the option to customize every weapon.
I hope that is what you are looking for.
I am working on something similar and used this aproch.
Yes I would like able to customize each weapon with different effects, sounds etc…
My weapon blueprint, I guess that would be the my ItemToPickUp blueprint.
But I really don’t know how to communicate between blueprints… Got a other topic running, where I need to cast to another blueprint… I don’t understand it and can’t get it to work…
Sorry for been late. Didnt have time to prepare a good example to give you but I will post a link that can give you 3 ways of bp communication. link text
This will give you a good start
Hmm. My guess your asking for rotation of the carachter (soulplayer) but inside the invevtory bp it ask self ( self = the inventory bp controlled rotation) which is wrong because inventory dont have controller. Try referance the player so you get location and rotation of player and spawn object from there.
I am sorry been busy today couldnt test it for you .
I will try to test tomorrow and send some screenshots
I have the same problem today and spend couple hours on.you cant fire the weapon blueprint frome player only can fire from weapon bp or level bp.
So you need to put the weapon fire func inside the player bp.
And only take mesh and property of weapon fire rate damage … from weapon bp.