Spawn Particle Attached via blueprint isn't rotating the particle properly

I’ve got a shooting game I’m making and I’ve used an emitter for the ship’s engine flame.
It looks really good until the ship starts moving or the ship turns around.

When the ship faces the left side of the screen, the emitter still faces right.

What gives? I’ve attached the emitter to a socket on the rocket ship so I thought I’d be OK.
“Use Local Space” on the emitter did not work, I saw that used as a solution for a similar problem so I tried it myself.

For “spawn emitter on location” I’ve tried all 3 settings: snap to target, keep local offset and world space, no difference.

Reading the docs, it sounds like I want to set my emitters to PSA Velocity, but when I do, they disappear from the preview and in game!

Do I need to do something lse in addition to velocity?

Turning the sprites into GPU sprites got the particles to show up again with screen alignment to PSA velocity but the effect still isn’t flipping. I’d hate to have to make multiple versions of the effect for every direction but I guess that’s what I’d have to do. Any particular data within the Emitter I could supply that would be of assistance?

As a workaround, you might try parametrizing the particle system… create an “Init Rotation” in the particle emitter, set the value from that rotation to use a “Particle Parameter”, and then constantly feed the actor’s rotation to that value in whatever BP is spawning the particle system.

But using local space SHOULD work for this. I do it with a number of particle systems. it causes the X Y and Z values of that particle system to be defined in terms of what it’s attached to.

Still get this problem.BUG?

No.I find I use acceleration module,just uncheck the “Always in world space” and then my problem solved.