spawn in an empty place

good evening, I’m trying to create a platform 2.5 d
when spawning enemies the all do in the same place and when is busy they spawn outside the default xz plane. How can I insert in blueprint to check if the place is busy and spawn 5 meter beyond? Best reguards

You need to create a Spawn Zone. Basically an “Area” defined by a volume, collision etc that will provide a “Bounds”.

From there you do random in bounds and trace down to that point. I use sphere matching the radius of the pawn capsule.

If the trace doesn’t hit anything, then spawn there. Otherwise call random point in bounds again. Rinse and repeat.

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works pretty well
I’m trying also to spawn player character after death, I’m using this

but also here, if the point is occupied it spawns outside the game, how can I insert the box?
Best reguards

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