Goal: Spawn ~500 low-poly missiles (42 tris) from 2 target points, in a short amount of time, and continue to spawn (until I stop them, haven’t made it that far in the blueprint). So, a constant stream of ~500 missiles flying through the air (they impact and destroy after about 10 seconds).
Problem: My blueprint works, but performance/frame rate is taking a BIG hit.
I’ve read that using Event Tick can cause problems. Is there a more efficient method to go about this?
Ok, so if you want to continually spawn hundreds of actors, you can do this in a few ways but I think this is the best way:
- Use a Timer instead of Tick, and LOOP it every whatever seconds you want. This will probably get you what you want and then just Clear the Timer when you want it to stop it.
Thanks! This helped a lot. Got the FPS around 60.
Here are some screenshots of my setup, to help someone in the future.

No problem! Glad I was able to help!